Kamis, 30 Oktober 2014

Indahnyaa ... Ranu Regulo


ranu regulo

Tak pernah terlintas dalam benak kami kalau kami justru camping di Ranu Regulo saat kami bertolak dari #Surabaya pada Jumat malam tanggal 24 Okotober 2014 lalu. Saat itu jelas tujuan kami adalah ke #RanuKumbolo , telaga gunung yang mahsyur sebagai surga air bagi para pendaki gunung Semeru yang belakangan juga makin dikenal publik sejak booming-nya film 5 cm. Nah, tapi karena miscommunication antara guide, leader dan anggota, syarat-syarat yang dibawa kurang lengkap. Hehehe ... ternyata untuk ke #RanuKumbolo harus lengkap dengan surat keterangan sehat dari dokter dan materai 6000-an selain tentunya fotokopi ID card yang masih berlaku.

Akhirnya setelah melobi--suatu hal yang tak patut ditiru demi keselamatan--yang berbuah kegagalan juga, kami pun tak jadi naik ke Ranu Kumbolo. Akhirnya, kami pun harus menerima stay di camping ground yang ada di area Ranu Regulo yang lebih mudah dijangkau.
ranu regulo
menuju Ranu Regulo

ranu regulo
Sekilas tentang Ranu Regulo

So, jadilah kami camping di pinggiran telaga Ranu Regulo. Dengan total 16 orang, kami membangun 5 tenda praktis yang tentunya cukup pas untuk jadi tempat bernaung kami selama semalam hingga keesokan harinya. Selesai mendirikan tenda, kompor gas portabel pun segera disiapkan. Biasa, urusan perut dan juga tentunya dengan hawa yang lumayan dingin (meski masih siang), pinginnya minum yang hangat-hangat.

ranu regulo
Ranu Regulo di siang hari

ranu regulo
Ranu Regulo dari atas bukit

ranu regulo
Ranu Regulo

ranu regulo
tenda dan teman-teman
Hawa dingin yang sudah diberitahukan sejak awal, menjadi semakin terasa begitu matahari perlahan bergeser menuju peraduannya di ufuk barat. Hingga saat kemudian petang membayang, cuaca menjadi benar-benar dingin. Rasanya seperti di-kulkasin. :D .. Saking dinginnya, kopi yang dibikin temanku pada siangnya benar-benar seperti habis dimasukin freezer pas kami minum lagi jelang Maghrib.

Api unggun yang dibuat tanpa persiapan yang cukup--kurang kayu--hanya bisa memberikan cahaya dan kehangatan sekejap sebelum kemudian muleng (kehilangan nyala apinya tapi masih menyala dan berasap). Jadilah kemudian semuanya masuk ke tenda untuk menghindari serangan dingin.

Dalam tendaku yang khusus cewek, aku dan ketiga temanku lainnya tidur berhimpitan dalam kantong tidur kami masing-masing. Sungguh, udara semakin menggigit seiring dengan beranjaknya waktu menuju puncak malam. Apalagi aku yang posisi di tengah, dimana ujung kakiku pas menghadap pintu tenda ... brr, dingin luar biasa. Tapi rasa lelah sukses juga membuatku terlelap.

Saat lingsir wengi (lewat tengah malam), teman-temanku pada berisik mengeluhkan dinginnya suhu udara yang sepertinya terus menurun. Oh, sungguh rasanya benar-benar dingin. Sampai-sampai teman sampingku yang kebetulan teman satu kosku--yang biasanya mengeluhkan panasnya kamar kos di Surabaya--jadi merindukan kamarnya yang panas banget itu setelah dia merasakan dinginnya suhu di pinggir Ranu Regulo ini.

Setelah melewati malam yang sangat dingin--katanya pak guide sih suhu udara pada malam tersebut turun sampai minus 5 derajat Celcius--pagi pun tiba, terlihat dengan alam sekitar yang terang benderang meski matahari belum benar-benar nampak karena tebalnya kabut.

Dan saat keluar tenda ... tadaa.... siapa sangka kalau telaga ini memiliki panorama yang begitu indah dan menyegarkan  ... hmm, meski lebih tepatnya membekukan saking dinginnya. Suhu udara yang sempat membekukan pada malamnya masih sedikit terasa pada pagi itu, tapi sedikit terobati karena kami kemudian pada merebus mi dan bikin kopi.
ranu regulo
Indahnya Ranu Regulo seperti dalam lukisan klasik

ranu regulo
Ranu Regulo saat pagi

ranu regulo
Ranu Regulo saat matahari terbit

Sambil ngopi, jadi tahu kalau ternyata sebagian besar anggota rombongan kurang 'perbekalan penghangat'. Banyak yang mengeluhkan semalam kedinginan banget sampai tak bisa tidur sama sekali. Bahkan ada satu dua yang mukanya sampai sangat merah. Hmm, dipikir-pikir lagi memang sudah benar kami tak diijinin naik ke Ranu Kumbolo. Kalau jadi naik, aku bahkan tak bisa membayangkan apa yang terjadi.
ranu regulo
Ranu Pani, telaga lain di dekat Ranu Regulo

Overall, meski kecewa karena belum bisa ke Ranu Kumbolo, kami semua tetap senang bisa menikmati satu malam yang sangat dingin tapi menyegarkan dan tak terlupakan di Ranu Regulo. This lake is also beautiful ...
Maha Besar Tuhan yang telah menciptakan begitu banyak keindahan di bumi ini ... :) May next time can reach another beautiful places of this earth ... ^_^

Selasa, 26 Agustus 2014

Perspective of Life

how a perspective can change your life ...

you might have heard at somewhere else, or, from someone else, this saying:
"beauty is in the eyes of the beholder"

so, this comes to our sense that everything is depending on the point of view ...
let's take it at the surface, for instance, the sky looks so blue on a bright sunny day
but, if you can ask those who have gone to the space above, you may get answer that the sky is actually not blue ... it's actually colorless, or gray to black to be exact ... hmm ...

the same goes when you look at the mountains, from afar they may look so blue or green, but when you come closer, you may find them at totally different colors, may be brown, black, red, it depends ...

just like how things become different when our point of view changes, the life is so so ...

when you are down, life looks so gray, so miserable
you may feel you're just so unlucky person ever live
yet, if you just wait for a moment, let yourself calm a bit
think more about life, yours
there is always a thing to be thankful for
even in the worst time of your life
you will find that there is always something beautiful in it
our eyes just sometimes too blind to see it
our heart is just too emotional to realize it
yeach, that's human, most of ...

and when you're in the happiness
life looks so bright, cheerful, beautiful
yet, times is often felt so fast when heart in in delight

quoting Gibran, happiness and sadness are inseparable, while one of them is engaging you in the living room, the other one is waiting in your bedroom ...
as simple as that
happy and sad
come and go as the ocean waves at the beach
so fast, so fast everything in this life just can change in a blink

perspective, the way you look at something
your point of view
it's amazing, how with different perspective something--someone look so different
at one time you may love somebody so dearly
at the other time you may have no feeling at all
well, yeach that how perspective can change your feeling
your day
your life

(disclaimer: the picture is not mine)

Selasa, 19 Agustus 2014



in my own mind, hope is just like a breath to the soul
one without hope can be said as dead

having hope, human will try things to make their hopes real
with hope, they walk day by day
it's like an engine to the machine

hopeless human will just like a zombie
more or less, it is so

however, setting the hope too high may ruin your soul too
as it moves your spirit up
it will knock you down
so, just make it fair

one with hope sometimes goes too far
because often human forget 
and let their hope drown them too deep

living without hope sometimes might be good
it's setting you free
let you move without any burden
what does it mean to live an empty life?

so, the point is
just keep your hope
and be wise ...

(disclaimer: picture is not mine, but the text)

Senin, 18 Agustus 2014


mother's love is true to the end

  Dear Mother

I love you
I hope you are always fine, safe and sound ... happy
Thank you very much for loving me
Thank you always for supporting me
Thank you for calling my name in your prayers
I believe God will grant

I can’t imagine how my life will be going without you
Your love is the greatest thing I ever got
Your kindness is soothing me like the morning dew to the grass
Your sincerity strengthen my soul to the very core

I love you
I love you
I will try my best to be your best daughter
To be the one you always want me to be :)

(credit to the owner of the pict, the writing is mine)

thank you, Allah

 thank you

and, if it is love that i have for you
i'm happy
for you have shown me so many beautiful things
and, bring me closer to Him

if i could be the chosen one
to be your wife for this life and after
i might be the luckiest
but, if not so
i know He has better one for me

of everything
in this very life
in this very world
all is His
all is His

thank you ...

*pict credit to the owner, poem is my own :)

Kamis, 20 Februari 2014

Akashi Seijuurou

 Credit picture to zerochan.com
Hola all,

As random as usual, this time i would like to share my thought on one character from Kuroko no Basket namely Akashi Seijuurou.

For those who follow anime and manga Kuroko no Basket/Kuroko no Basuke/黒子のバスケ, Akashi Seijuurou should have been known very well.

Akashi Seijuurou is the brave leader from Kiseki no Sedai (in the past) and Rakuzan Basketball Team (currently).
He has unique personality, well, how to put it, kind of yandere type. Akashi seems to have double personalities. 
All began in Junior High School when he was challenged by his own team mate, Murasakibara Atsushi. 

Murasakibara challenged Akashi to duel in the basketball court. Akashi was once cornered and about to lose, but suddenly his weird--if not very strong determination made him change--both physically and mentally--so that finally he can win the duel. Since then, the charming crimson eyes Akashi was just like disappeared into nowhere, replaced with hetero-chromatic eyes Akashi who was ruthless and absolute.

Maybe you can find the character like Akashi in any other animanga, yet in my opinion Akashi Seijuurou is just special case. His strong belief of winning--assuming that winning is like breathing--make him the strongest player so far in Kuroko no Basket.

Aside from--well my fetish to the relationship between Kuroko and Akashi--the canon story, I love to find Akashi can be together, reunite once more with other Kisedai, included Kuroko.

So, that's a bit of my mind about the brave leader Akashi Seijuurou. What do you think about him, then?
Tell me, would you?